Port Ahuriri School

How to Enrol

When you make contact, you will be sent or given an enrolment package which contains a wide range of information needed to enrol your child at our school.  Phone (06) 8357988 or make a visit to school and Sonya, our office administrator will be happy to explain our school requirements to you. Enrolments can be made at any stage.     

Our school attracts many enrolments from the wider Napier region. Due to the popularity of Port Ahurirri School, the Ministry of Education has directed the Board of Trustees to implement an enrolment scheme. The Board holds two ballots per year for children who want to enrol and are outside our zone. Please contact the school office for the dates of each ballot and for any further specific information.  

When you enrol your child, we require a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate so that we can verify the date of birth.  This is a legal requirement.  We are also required to collect information about your child’s immunisation status and require a  copy of your child’s Immunisation Certificate. 

At Port Ahuriri School, we have a transition programme for  new entrant children about to start school.  We welcome you and your child to school for a morning transition visit where you get to meet the other children and parents and meet and greet and socialise with the parents and children who will be starting school with your child.  From there, together, we decide on any further pre-school visits you feel you may need. This time allows your child to experience the day to day situations that they will be involved with during the school day, including break and lunch times. It enables your child to become integrated into the school prior to the "big day".   

After School Care

We have on-site an After School Care programme that operates before and after school. This is a bonus for busy and/or working parents. The programme is contracted to Bizzy Bodz who can be contacted on hbadmin@bizzybodz.co.nz or phone Isabella Regan 0276993015

The programme hours are 7.30 - 8.15 am and 3.15 - 5.30 pm Monday to Friday. The programme operates across the year, closing only for the Christmas New/Year break. Our programme is Winz approved and subsidies are available to those entitled. 

International Students

Port Ahuriri School is a signatory to the Code of Practice for International Students.  We are able to take students from around the world from year 1 to 6. One of our Code requirements is that children must be living with their parents during their time at school. We do not arrange accommodation. Please feel free to contact the Principal if you are interested in International Education. 

Procedure for Enrolment

  • Parents and/or agent seek an application form from the school and/or download a form from the school website.
  • The application form is received by the principal. The principal assesses the application and determines whether a suitable placement is available.
  • Port Ahuriri School will send out an Offer of Place and Invoice to cover tuition fees.
  • Parents pay on the Invoice and receive a receipted invoice.
  • The receipted invoice and Offer of Place are used by the parents to acquire a student visa. The visa will state the school’s name and length of stay.
  • Communication is then between the parents and/or agent and the school.

We look forward to welcoming all prospective families to our school.  Please contact the school office to arrange for a suitable time for a visit as we would love to show you around.