Why Choose Us?
Our School Environment and Community
Port Ahuriri School is a year 1 to 6 contributing school located in the city suburb of Ahuriri, Napier.
Our nautical theme is relevant to our location. The estuary, yachting and the Inner Harbour are all within walking distance. Sheltered by the backdrop of Napier Hill, Port Ahuriri School is ideally situated and only a 5 minute drive away from central Napier. Bypass roads to Napier suburbs and outer Napier provide easy access to our school.
Port Ahuriri School has an exceptionally supportive community who are extremely proud of the history and the achievements of the school and its pupils.
We actively encourage parent involvement in our school. We recognise that parents make a considered choice to send their children to our school, and we respect their ideas and input into their child’s education.
As a community, we believe in education with a focus on encouraging diversity and focusing on the development of the 'whole child' both socially and academically. Personal and cultural diversity are valued at Port Ahuriri School. We encourage the extension of knowledge in our children and encourage them to live in a caring and harmonious society. Stimulating experiences ensure that each child loves to come to school.
Our school is split into three learning hubs. Poipoi is our junior hub and their focus is to 'nurture'. Our middle hub is Piki. Their focus is to build knowledge and get their children aiming 'higher'. Aoraki is our senior learning hub. These children are reaching for 'the peak' in their learning and have significant involvement in leadership across the school.
All of our learning spaces are hubs and operate as flexible learning spaces where children have choice within what they learn, choice within how they learn and with whom. This focuses the children on the 'how' of learning and the skills of collaboration and communication, something they will increasingly need in the world they are entering. We believe there is no point in teaching that which the children can 'google' but we can encourage them to refine, question and look at knowledge from a different and more worldly viewpoint.
Port Ahuriri School is small enough to care but large enough to provide a range of sporting, cultural, technical and learning opportunities, for all children.
Education Review Office
Port Ahuriri School is a very successful school as evaluated by the Education Review Office.
Over the years we have received some very high ranked reviews putting us in the top echelons of schools across the country.
You can find the reviews here: https://ero.govt.nz/institution/2648/port-ahuriri-school
After School Care
Professional supervision of our children is something we are proud to offer. Our school has contracted Bizzy Bodz as the on-site provider. The centre manager Isabella O'Regan, has had many successful years’ experience in looking after children at Port Ahuriri School, before and after school and during school holiday time.
Our children are well supervised by Isabella and her staff. Our After School Care is popular with children and their parents from the wider Napier region during school breaks.
Our After School Care programme is easy and flexible without compromising safety and quality care. A popular holiday programme provides parents and children consistency in care giving. Our premises are purpose built for easy supervision of children after school hours. It is WINZ approved, providing parents with accessible and an affordable child caring service.
The contact phone number is 0276993015 or hbadmin@bizzybodz.co.nz
International Education
Port Ahuriri School is a signatory of the International Code of Practise for the Pastoral Care of International Students.
Our school values diversity, and international students bring a valuable dimension to our school, and enable our children to interact with children from around the world at an earlier stage than might normally be possible.
We accept enrolments for International Students from Year 1 to Year 6. Port Ahuriri School does not act as an accommodation agent and will only enrol students who are living with their parent(s).
We assess our students on arrival so that the most suitable programme to cater for their needs can be developed. English language assistance is available to all International Students depending on their individual needs.
It is vital that students have a desire to learn. They must have a good level of conduct, attitude and attendance.
School Development 2025
This year our school foci are
Term One: Ko Wai Au - Myself and my Hauora
Term Two: Science and Technology
Term Three: Culture and Arts
Term Four: Te Taiao o te Rohe - Local Environment including Health, Science and Social Sciences
Our aim is to deliver a curriculum that is based in local, national and international history and events, and whilst we have schoolwide themes, each hub and implements topics based around the needs of individual children, the passion of their teachers and the level to which they are being delivered.
Currently we have three major professional learning contracts in play. We are delivering our literacy curriculum and teaching using the structured literacy approach. We are progressing a Culturally Responsive and Relational Pedagogies contract which is part of both our school learning and our Kahui Ako practices. We are in the process of expanding and sharpening our schoolwide structured literacy approaches alongside our work in developing and accelerating progress in structured mathematics.
We plan to continue being involved in the usual wide array of cultural and sporting events, both locally and out of town this year. 2025, is the year of the year 5 and 6 camp to Ranui Farm. Children will participate in a wide range of activities including team building experiences and sleeping in tents to develop cooperation and self-management skills.
Staff this year will be focusing on developing Cultural Responsive and Relational learning and embedding creativity through technology in our classrooms. There will continue to be a high visual arts focus as well as science and physical education.
We are in for a busy, exciting and highly satisfying year.
Information Communication Technology
Port Ahuriri School offers our children the very best we can in Information Technology. It is our vision that all children be empowered to use technology for effective learning. Our school has invested extensively which is backed by the commitment and capability of staff. There is a high level of accessibility in the classrooms. This means all students have access to a range of learning tools and applications. We are committed to safe and accessible use of technology and the Internet.
Physical Activity at Port Ahuriri School
Port Ahuriri School values and encourages physical activity. It is enjoyable and develops and enhances the emotional, social, cognitive and physiological growth of children. We provide many opportunities for team sports, such as: cricket, netball, hockey, softball and basketball. In the classroom, fundamental skills are developed like ball control and balance. Regular fitness activities are encouraged such as games, jump-jam, skipping and running. We have a variety of playground sports and playground equipment available for lunchtime use. The senior school participate in a Coastal Cluster sports series, where they play one-off tournaments with seven other schools. We have a close relationship with Sports HB which introduces extra opportunities such as golf, cricket and soccer coaching and rippa rugby. Sport HB also train our PALs (Physical Activity Leaders) who are senior students vital in designing and leading games for juniors during lunch and shared sports times. All children participate in an annual outdoor education programme where they can experience activities like orienteering, fishing and sailing. Regular school events where we encourage our community to come along and support children are held. We are extremely lucky that our Board and community support the continuation of our school pool and swim programme.